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Care Home Collaborative Resources

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Bed Safety Rails/Bed Grab Handles

In August 2023 a National Patient Safety Alert was issued regarding Medical beds, trolleys, bed rails, bed grab handles and lateral turning devices: risk of death from entrapment or falls alongside updated guidance from MHRA. Care home residents were specifically mentioned and are particularly vulnerable to the risk of entrapment from these devices for the reasons below:

  • Complex physical needs
  • Cognitive impairment

To address this NHSGGC have worked collaboratively with care homes to produce some simple resources to help raise awareness of the key points to support safe use of bed safety rails and bed grab handles.

The resources include:

Care Home Pharmacy Services – Primary Care Pharmacy Sector
Care Home Winter Readiness Pack 2024/2025

Preparing for winter is an important part of support to residents and staff in care homes across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. This pack contains a range of useful winter readiness information and planning resources. The information in the pack is aligned with good practice and national guidance, and is intended to complement local arrangements.

Please click here to access the Care Home Winter Pack 2024/2025.

Watch the recording of the Winter Readiness webinar 2024/2025

Care Home COVID Testing Table

Continence Promotion and Bowel Care

The Care Inspectorate provides a helpful resource for promoting continence for people living with dementia and long term conditions.

SPHERE Bladder and Bowel Service

The Care Home Zone provides links and information to SPHERE assessment and product ordering documentation. As well as other useful information.

Delirium Resources
Deteriorating Resident


SIGN 167 Care of deteriorating patients a national clinical guideline.

Diabetes resources
Falls Reduction

NHSGGC Resources to support falls reduction

A series of 5 posters aimed at care home staff and carers to highlight simple measures that can help reduce the risk of residents falling.

GGC care homes should receive a hard copy of each of the posters. Further copies can be ordered from the medical illustrations department.  Email: Telephone 0141 211 8580



Please click here to access educational videos for care home staff on the reduction and management of resident falls.

Future Care Planning – previously known as Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP)

Information for Care Homes

The Programme has a range of training opportunities which are free and open to all.

Visit the training hub for more information.


Good hydration is vital to maintain health and prevent illness.

CHC Quality Improvement Project Poster – A helping hand for hydration

Hydration change package


Hydration Station Equipment List

Food and Fluid Documentation Poster

Healthy Urine Poster

Hot and Cold Drinks Menu

Hydration Poster

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

Standard Infection Control Precautions  

Standard Infection Control Precautions or SICPs are the basic infection prevention and control measure used to reduce the risk of transmitting infectious agents from known and unknown sources of infection. SICPs should be used by all staff, in all care settings, at all times, for all residents to ensure the safety of those being cared for as well as staff and visitors to the home.

There are 10 SICPs. For more information on SICPs please Care Home specific section of the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual.

Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs)

Resident placement/assessment for infection risk

For more information visit section 1 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Hand hygiene 

The most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of infection in a care home is carry out hand hygiene. Hand hygiene can be carried out using soap and water or alcohol based hand rub (ABHR).

For more information visit section 2 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Handwashing Technique Demonstration and How to apply alcohol based hand rub

Handwashing Technique Demonstration
How to apply alcohol based hand rub
Respiratory and cough hygiene

For more information visit section 3 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

For more information visit section 4 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Safe management of care equipment

For more information visit section 5 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Safe management of the care environment

For more information visit section 6 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Safe management of linen

Handling Infectious Linen poster

For more information visit section 7 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Blood and body fluid spillages

For more information visit section 8 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Safe disposal of waste (including sharps)

For more information visit section 9 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control

Occupational safety: prevention and exposure management (including sharps)

For more information visit section 10 Chapter 1 of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control

Transmission Based Precautions

In certain circumstances using Standard Infection Control Precautions (also known as SICPs) won’t be enough to stop an infection spreading and you will need to use some extra precautions. These extra precautions are Transmission Based Precautions, or TBPs.

TBPs should be used if a resident has a suspected or known infection.

Please see below for a series of two short videos developed for staff wishing to refresh their knowledge of TBPs.

Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs) Video 1

Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs) Video 2

For more information on TBPs please see the care home specific section of the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual.

Further Resources

For more information on SCIPS access the Preventing Infection in Social Care Settings app released by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) in partnership with NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI).

The app has been developed for staff in settings such as care homes with a view to enabling easy access to infection prevention and control guidance.

Learning Forum

Welcome to the Care Home Learning Forum Resource pages.

You can find information on future meetings and registration on our Learning Opportunities page.

Online Session 1- Future Care Planning and Palliative Care

Session recording


Click here to access the Questions and Answers from this session

Online Session 2 – Leadership, Retention and Chest Infection
Online Session 3 – Skin Tears, Pressure Ulcers and Burns
Online Session 4 – Delirium, UTIs and Falls
Online Session 5 – Residents with complex care needs, Polypharmacy and Clinical Frailty
Meaningful Activity – Keep Moving

There are several effective strategies to keep elderly residents active during the winter months, even when outdoor activities may be limited. While this list is not exhaustive, it provides a starting point for staff to explore various options for keeping residents engaged and active.

Indoor Gardening For residents with a passion for gardening, cultivating indoor plants can be a rewarding winter activity. Staff can assist residents in setting up a small indoor garden in a conservatory, greenhouse or a windowsill. Engaging in tasks such as pruning, re-potting or planting seeds provides physical activity while allowing residents to maintain a connection with nature.

It is important for care staff to remain informed about the latest guidelines and resources related to physical activity for older adults.

NHS Inform website provides comprehensive physical activity guidelines.

Keeping fit and active as you get older – NHSGGC and the Mobility – SSSC MyLearning are excellent references for understanding the needs of elderly individuals.

Care Inspectorate offers a valuable resource which outlines the significance of physical activity in promoting health and well-being among older adults. These resources can guide staff in implementing best practices for keeping residents active and engaged.

To further support staff in fostering an active lifestyle for residents, the Supporting older people to live active, healthy lives online course is a beneficial tool.

Care About Physical Activity programme is an improvement programme lead by the Care Inspectorate it can be used to support physical activity in different ways.

Paths for all is a Scottish Charity. Their vision: Scotland is a walking nation. Everyone has the opportunity ti be active everyday, creating a happier, healthier and greener Scotland. They support healthcare staff to deliver walking activities, combined with Strength and Balance, to residents, patients and clients in care settings.

Age UK Wellbeing for older people’s groups and organisations.

Scottish Ballet Duet is a series of three 10-minute films and two 12-minute audio recordings specially designed for people with reduced mobility to move together with their companions or carers. As with all SB Health materials, SB Duet can also be enjoyed on your own.

Miami J Collar Information

Miami J Collar – Stable

This information can be helpful for use of a Miami J Collar following a stable neck injury or fracture where the patient is able to safely apply and remove themselves.

Miami J Collar – Stable with assistance

This information can be helpful for use of a Miami J Collar following a stable neck injury or fracture where the patient requires a carer, family or friends to safely apply and remove the collar as they cannot do this themselves.

Miami J Collar – Unstable

This information can be helpful for use of a Miami J Collar following an unstable neck injury or fracture. It provides information to help their carers, family or friends understand how to safely remove and apply the collar as they cannot do this themselves and it requires two people to remove to apply the collar.

Milkshakes in Care Homes

The Food First and Project Milkshake section on the Right Decision website provides helpful resources including information videos and our milkshake recipe book to support starting fortified milkshakes in your home.

Nutrition and Hydration

NHSGGC Nutrition In Care Homes

MUST and MUST Step 5 training videos to support understanding of MUST calculations and MUST Step 5 pathway. This is used for care and residential homes. Click here to access the MUST Guide to Help.

Hydration poster identifies key points for delivering good hydration.

Mealtime experience poster identifies key points for delivering a good mealtime experience for residents.

Food Fortification Poster key points to support a food first approach for residents who require it.

IDDSI and dysphagia poster provides an overview of the IDDSI framework.

Eating and Drinking with Acknowledged Risk Information Leaflet

NHSGGC Dysphagia

IDDSI and dysphagia training videos for care and catering staff in care homes created by Speech and Language therapy, Dietetics and IDDSI specialist chef.

IDDSI snack list poster to support snack choices for residents with dysphagia. This poster goes through each IDDSI level with sweet and savoury suggestions.

NHSGGC Malnutrition

Other resources

IDDSI resources and recipes to support providing food and fluid to residents with dysphagia.

Wessex academic health network website. The Hydration at Home e-learning module and Toolkit has been endorsed by the British Dietetic Association. Useful information to support training on hydration to all care staff.

Eating and drinking well in care: good practice guidance for older people

Nutrition and Hydration Week 2024

Malnutrition Monday – Signs, prevention and consequences of malnutrition plus malnutrition screening

Food and Fluid Preference Tuesday – Food and fluid preference tips and considerations

Snack Wednesday – Texture modified and diabetic snack ideas

Thirsty Thursday – Factors affecting hydration and tips to support fluid intake

Mealtime Friday – Importance of Positive Mealtime Experience

Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023

Malnutrition – Signs, symptoms and consequences

Interactive Tuesday – Be person centred, no one size fits all!

Ask Look Listen – Good Nutrition

Thirsty Thursday – Hydration

Focus on Resilience – Top tips

Oral Health

Care Inspectorate

Supporting better oral care in care homes’ quality illustration.

Caring for Smiles

Scotland’s national oral health programme for dependent older adults.

Palliative Care and Confirmation of Death

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Resources for Health and Social Care Staff

Turas Learn

Confirmation of death resources are available on Turas Learn. The pages contain Information and Education Resources resources to support registered professionals with Confirmation of Death.

Turas Learn is a website for health and social care staff that hosts a wide range of learning materials including eLearning modules and courses.

You must be logged into your Turas Account to view and access eLearning modules Sign In

If you do not have a Turas account you can create one

Support around death

This website aims to support health and social care staff who are working with patients, carers and families before, at, and after death. It provides key information on the clinical, legislative, and practical issues involved.

NHSGGC Palliative Care

This website has links to education and resources for health and social care professionals, patients and relatives.

NHSGGC Last Breath Poster

Click here to access the Last Breath poster developed by NHS Forth Valley.

NHSGGC Syringe Pump Resources

Click here to access NHSGGC resources and updates for syringe pumps including instruction videos, competency frameworks and guidelines for use.

Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines – Launch of the new web and mobile app

The Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines describes good practice in the management of adult patients with life-limiting illness. They are designed for healthcare professionals from any care setting who are involved in supporting people with a palliative, life-limiting condition.

This app is delivered through the Right Decision Service – the national decision support service provided by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and is Nationwide.

The guidelines can be accessed via the Right Decisions website or download the Right Decisions mobile app from the app store for Apple or Android.

Supportive and Palliative Action Register (SPAR) Resources

Please find SPAR documentation and resources below. If you are looking to implement SPAR in your care home, please contact us for support and guidance.

Eating and Drinking with Acknowledged Risk

Eating and Drinking with Acknowledged Risk Information Leaflet

CPR for Feet Video
FootSafe Instruction Video
Quality Improvement (QI)

Care Home Collaborative

RESTORE2 is the national acute deterioration tool recommended by Scottish Government for care homes.

The Care Home Collaborative can support the implementation of this nationally recognised tool in care homes across GGC.  

If you would like more information or our support using the RESTORE2 tool within your care home please get in touch.

Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative

RESTORE2 is a national resources that was co-produced by NHS West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative.

RESTORE2 What is it
RESTORE2 Why use it

RESTORE2 is designed to support homes and health professionals to:

  • Recognise when a resident may be deteriorating or at risk of physical deterioration
  • Act appropriately according to the residents care plan
  • Obtain a complete set of physical observations to inform escalation and conversations with health professionals
  • Speak with the most appropriate health professional in a timely way to get the right support
  • Provide a concise escalation history to health professionals to support their professional decision making


The NHS Health Education England videos below can be used to support staff when implementing the RESTORE2 tool in your care home.

Soft signs of deterioration
NEWS What is it?
Measuring the respiratory rate
Measuring oxygen saturations
Measuring blood pressure
Measuring heart rate
Measuring the level of alertness
How to measure temperature
Using SBARD in care homes

SBARD is an easy to remember approach you can use to frame communications or conversations. It can be used very effectively to escalate a clinical problem that requires immediate attention, or to facilitate efficient handover of residents between health and care teams.

This video will show the benefits of using SBARD for care home staff and how it can improve the quality of care for our patients.

Other useful resources

RESTORE2 chart

How to complete a RESTORE2 chart

RESTORE2 Rollout Handbook

RESTORE 2 Mini (Residential)

Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative

RESTORE2 Mini can help your team to identify that a resident is deteriorating and to get help earlier, supporting the resident to remain at home.

RESTORE2 Mini is a shortened version of the full RESTORE2 tool and is ideal for introducing to residential homes (that are currently unable to take physical observations) to the concepts of soft signs and SBARD structured communication.


Soft Signs of deterioration

This video explains “Soft Signs”.

Using SBARD in care homes

SBARD is an easy to remember approach you can use to frame communications or conversations. It can be used very effectively to escalate a clinical problem that requires immediate attention, or to facilitate efficient handover of residents between health and care teams.

This video will show the benefits of using SBARD for care home staff and how it can improve the quality of care for residents.

Other useful resources

RESTORE2mini chart

RESTORE2mini ‘soft signs’ poster

RESTORE2 handbook

Tissue Viability and Wound Care
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
NHSGGC Prevention of Pressure Ulcers

Care Inspectorate

Health Improvement Scotland


  • Guide to help you prevent pressure ulcers Leaflet
  • Pressure ulcer prevention information Poster
  • Joint Wound Care Formulary (2022)
  • The Prevention and Management of pressure ulcers Module


  • Pressure Ulcer Grading Tool
Wound Care
Airflow Mattress Change Package

The Airflow Mattress Change Package comprises of:

  • Checklist: The checklist acts as an aide memoir, using it staff should soon be familiar with what should be checked on the mattress as a routine to reduce errors and prevent harm. This should be printed off in A5 with troubleshooting page on the back, laminated and attached to the pump.
  • Airflow Mattress Audit: This can be printed off or used as an excel document to monitor the mattresses, either weekly, monthly or ad-hoc to ensure they are being set appropriately and errors are not occurring.
  • Airflow Mattress Training: The CHC TVN offers a 30-45 minute training session to train the trainers within the care home on the safe use of airflow mattresses. Once training has been provided the care home will have access to the training slides and notes in order to ensure all their staff are familiar and competent in using airflow mattresses.
  • Project Report: The project report summarises the key aspects of the project, including its goals, progress and outcomes.
  • Airflow Mattress Train the Trainer Slides: This valuable training was developed to cover the main elements that relate to all airflow mattresses and the common errors that are made that result in pressure damage.
    Please contact the CHC to arrange for the training to be provided.
Additional Resources

Resident in Care Home with a non-progressing wound

This guidance was collated by a short life working group of care home representatives from all HSCP partnerships. The guidance provides a clear decision making pathway for care home staff/care home liaison nurses to ensure streamlining of referrals following identification of a wound that has shown no signs of progressing in two weeks.

All wounds should show signs of progress (evidence of progress towards healing, reduced size, reduction in slough and necrotic tissue) over a two week period. If not ensure all steps are completed within your column before making referral to next stage.

Health Improvement Scotland

NATVNS Scotland

What Matters to You (WMTY)

WMTY day is an annual event which is recognised and celebrated internationally. On this day, more than any other, there is a focus on raising awareness of having conversations with care home residents and staff that help to build connections and improve outcomes for the person:

  • Ask What Matters,
  • Listen to What Matters and
  • Do What Matters.

You can read a selection of WMTY Activities and stories from staff, residents and families in our Good News Stories section. You can also get involved by Sharing your stories and building the evidence base.

For further information have a look at the these WMTY resources

Click here to access the NHSGGC Person Centred Care resources

Click here to access the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland Person Centred Voices resources

Guidance notes for Carer Voices – Intelligent Kindness Best Practice

Would you like to share your free resources with Care Homes?

You can share your free resources and learning opportunities on this website. Further information available in About our website