Care Around Death Study Day
This study day presents an opportunity to help increase Care Around Death knowledge and skills. Using a case study approach this day will enable participants to learn and share practice with each other whilst taking into consideration relevant local and national guidance.
This study day meets ‘Enhanced’ level on Domain #2 of the NES Palliative and End of Life Care Education Framework.
Click on the link below for more information and upcoming dates.
Care Home Development Day
The Care Home Collaborative are hosting a development day on Thursday 24th April for care home nurses and carers as part of National ‘Demystifying Death’ Week 5th – 11th May.
The programme will include
- What is a “good death” and how can we provide it?
- Future Care Planning and initiating realistic conversations
- Anticipatory medication
- Mouth care at end of life
Caring for Smiles
Caring for Smiles is Scotland’s national oral health, training and support programme, which aims to improve the oral health of older people particularly those living in care homes.
Education and training of staff play an important role in the delivery and improvement of oral care. All care staff including supervisors and managers are encouraged to take up Caring for Smiles training where it is available.
Staff are invited to attend a 2 hour training session between 2.00pm – 4.00pm, delivered by the NHSGGC Oral Health Directorate.
Confirmation of Death
Care Home Collaborative
The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Confirmation of Death (CoD) policy permits any trained Registered Health Care Professional to confirm death in any circumstance.
The Care Home Collaborative sessions provide an overview of the national learning resources, provide an opportunity for reflective discussion, simulation and competency sign off.
These are 2 ½ hours sessions which are delivered face to face, with rotating venues.
The aim of the session is to familiarise care home registered nursing staff with the process of Confirmation of Death.
Learning Outcomes
Identify the difference between Confirmation of Death and certification of death
Understanding and undertaking the practical component of CoD
Demonstrating knowledge of navigation of NHSGGC palliative care website/Moodle and other relevant electronic resources
Overview the NHSGGC COD competency document
Please use buttons below to book your place
Delirium Risk Reduction
Delirium is a serious, life threatening condition that develops rapidly over days or hours. When untreated delirium can lead to poorer outcomes for care home residents.
Would you like to find out more about how to reduce the risk of your residents developing delirium? Click below to register for our upcoming sessions.
Essentials in Psychological Care – Dementia Training Programme
Care Home Collaborative
The Essentials in Psychological Care – Dementia Training Programme delivered by the Care Home Collaborative is a certificated, exciting training programme that will increase your existing dementia knowledge, in a practical way to help you support the people you care for.
1: Dementia and Unmet Needs
2: Understanding Distress in Dementia
3: Understanding the Persons’ Reality
4: Communication
5: Stimulation and Meaningful Activity
6: ABC Charts
7: Staff Stress and Distress
Learning Outcomes
- To enhance understanding of the causes of distressed behaviours in dementia.
- Explore evidence-based proactive and preventative strategies and be able to apply these effectively.
- Improve the experience and care for people living with dementia, their families and carers.
Please book online using the buttons below
HomeFirst Programme Training
The Unscheduled Care Design & Delivery Plan 2021-24 aim was to support and maintain individuals safely within the community either at home or in a homely setting. Over the past few years, the Community led improvement programme now branded as HomeFirst has delivered a number of projects offering alternatives to unscheduled care with the development of new pathways, services and systems with a focus on prevention, early intervention and expediting discharge.
Learning Forum
The Care Home Learning Forum aims to bring together Registered Nurses across all care homes, HSCPs teams and acute settings to share experience and practice across the NHSGGC area.
We aim to recognise, celebrate and highlight the impact of nursing practice in the care home setting, and establish a supportive community of learners and peer support networks. The 90min online sessions are designed to support accessible bite sized learning opportunities for busy RNs and are jointly chaired by RNs from Care Homes and HSCP teams.
Mobile Skills Bus
Mobile Skills Unit (MSU)
The Mobile Skills Unit (MSU) was developed to support the delivery of clinical skills training and education to all across Scotland.
The CHC team will be in Greater Glasgow and Clyde in 2025 with the bus offering clinical skills sessions to care homes.
Register your interest to find out more about our 2025 care home programme.
Meaningful Activity Network Meetings
Care Home Collaborative
Are you interested in new ideas to promote meaningful activities for your residents? Would you like to share your good news stories and celebrate successes with other care homes? Then this is the event for you!
The Care Home Collaborative would like to invite you to join us at our next ‘Meaningful Activity Network Meeting’ as we continue our conversation about meaningful and purposeful activity. We are hosting this event in partnership with Care Inspectorate’s Health and Social Care Improvement team.
Care homes who attended our first meeting indicated their keen interest in being involved in a network where they could support each other and share ideas, including information and resources which would enhance the provision of activities for care home residents. We have listened to your feedback and opened this to all care home staff (Managers, Nurses, carers, activity coordinators, catering, housekeeping, etc.).
Please click on the link below to register
MUST/MUST Step 5 Webinars
This webinar is open to all care home staff who would like an update on MUST and MUST Step 5. It will help refresh knowledge of each step of the MUST screening tool, including calculation of scores. It will also cover MUST Step 5 and explain how to complete the form.
This is vital in supporting nutritional care for residents and identifying risks.
Session Aims
- Refresh knowledge of the MUST pathway
- Learn to calculate total MUST score from steps 1-3
- Refresh knowledge of MUST Step 5 paperwork
Learning Outcomes:
- To accurately calculate MUST scores
- Complete MUST Step 5 paperwork and reviews confidently
Please click on the link below to register for this webinar.
Oral Health
Caring for Smiles is Scotland’s national oral health training and support programme.
Education and training of staff play an important role in the delivery and improvement of oral care. All care staff including supervisors and managers are encouraged to take up Caring for Smiles training where it is available.
Caring for Smiles (Non-accredited training)
Staff are invited to attend a 2 hour Online training session delivered by NHSGGC, Oral Health Directorate.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of why good oral health is important
2. Recognise the factors that contribute to poor oral health
3. Confidently carry out day-to-day oral care for residents who require assistance
4. Know how to report any health concerns
5. Understand the importance of the different oral care forms e.g risk assessment, care plans and daily documentation
6. To be able to carry out an oral health risk assessment
7. Understand what techniques and strategies may help those residents with dementia who resist oral care.
Please direct any questions to the Oral Health Team
Contact Tel number: 0141 201 4217
Caring for Smiles Turas Learn and Turas Learn SSSC open badges
Caring for Smiles Turas Learn: Better oral care for dependent older people
SSSC open badges: Toothbrushing for oral health is a suite of 5 badges. Each of the 5 milestone topics award their own badge. To do this you must successfully complete all the eLearning modules in the suite and submit the required evidence of your learning on the SSSC badges website.
In care at home badge is aimed at people who care for the oral health of others at home. To do this you must successfully complete the eLearning module and submit the required evidence on the SSSC badges website.
In the care home badge is aimed at people who care for the oral health of other in the care home. To do this you must successfully complete the eLearning module and submit the required evidence of your learning on the SSSC badges website
Palliative Care
- FREE online communication skills workshops.
SAGE & THYME workshops support all care home staff in using the evidence based skills required to provide person-centred support to residents and relatives with emotional concerns or worries. Using a mixture of group work, lectures and videos, the workshop discourages staff from ‘fixing’, and demonstrates how to work with the residents’ own ideas and solutions first.
Using a memorable structure, each 2 hour 45 minutes online workshop delivered via zoom reminds staff how to listen, and how to respond to distress in a way which empowers the resident or relative.
These FREE online workshops are delivered via Zoom for anyone working in health and social care.
Multiple dates AM and PM options – click below for further details and booking information
January – April 2025 Sage and Thyme dates
May – July 2025 Sage and Thyme dates
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Enhanced Palliative & End of Life Care Learning & Development Toolkit.
Our Toolkit has been designed to offer a range of interactive, online modules, tools and resources to develop your knowledge and skills in palliative and end of life care. The toolkit offers flexible, self-paced learning that can be accessed when and where you need it. We have divided the content into 5 topic areas:
- Pain management in palliative and end of life care
- Other common palliative and end of life symptoms
- Communication in palliative and end of life care
- Palliative care emergencies
- Person-centred care at end of life
Who is the toolkit for?
The toolkit is aimed at health and social care professionals who regularly assess, manage and influence decision-making for people with life-limiting illness.
What level is the toolkit?
The toolkit is Enhanced Level. This means that it’s suitable for learners with existing knowledge and/or experience in palliative and end of life care who wish to develop their knowledge and skills further.
How do I navigate the toolkit?
Each topic contains a range of resources – including online modules, articles, videos and tools – to enhance your knowledge and skills. You can choose the topics and resources relevant to your role, interests and professional development and complete them in any order.
How do I access the toolkit?
The toolkit is hosted within the Palliative and End of Life Care Community in the Macmillan Learning Hub. If you are not already registered for the Learning Hub please click here to sign up for this free resource.
If you would like more information you can watch a short video that explains more about our learning hub and toolkit.
Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers – Online Module
An online module to provide residential care home staff with the knowledge and skills to understand pressure ulcers – how they form, how they are treated and crucially, how they can be prevented.
Click here to access
Quality Improvement (QI) Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills Programme (SIFS)
Do you want to make lasting changes within your care home? Let us help you make those changes by giving you the tools and knowledge to carry out Quality Improvement (QI) projects. The Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills Programme (SIFS), developed in partnership with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) covers the following topics:
• An introduction to the Model for Improvement
• How to understand and identify where changes can be made
• How to test and understand what difference your changes can make
The programme lasts 14 weeks and you will be asked to carry out a small project within your care home. You will take part in 3 in person learning days during the programme.
You will be assigned a Quality Improvement Advisor from the CHC team for support during the programme. If you are interested, please watch this space for information on how to join the 2025 cohorts.
To register please select from the cohorts below.
If you have any questions, or wish to be kept informed when we launch the call for the next cohort, contact us
RESTORE2 Training
RESTORE2 is a physical deterioration and escalation tool recommended in My Health, My Care, My Home Healthcare Framework for adults living in care homes by the Scottish Government.
The Care Home Collaborative can support the implementation of this tool in care homes across GGC.
Click here to access RESTORE2 resources including videos, charts and the rollout handbook.
If you are interested in using RESTORE2 in your care home, please join us at one of our training events listed below to find out more about RESTORE2 and how to implement it in your home.
RESTORE2 Mini Training for carers
RESTORE2 Mini can help your team to identify that a resident is deteriorating and to get help earlier, supporting the resident to remain at home.
RESTORE2 Mini is a shortened version of the full RESTORE2 tool and is ideal for introducing to residential homes (that are currently unable to take physical observations) to the concepts of soft signs and SBARD structured communication.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learning about RESTORE2 Mini
- Recognising ‘soft signs’
- Knowing the person you care for
- Structured communication and escalation
Click here to access RESTORE2Mini videos.
If you are interested in using RESTORE2Mini in your home, please join us at one of our training events listed below .
SSKINS Study Day (Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers)
Care Home Collaborative
The Care Home Collaborative are providing full day training sessions focusing on the SSKINS Bundle on the prevention and management of pressure ulcers. With the input of a multi-agency team the session will consist of an in depth look at each element of SSKINS.
This training is aimed at nursing staff, carers, activity co-ordinators and managers working in care homes.
After the training the participants will receive a certificate of attendance that will count for 6 hours CPD.
At the end of the session participants should be able to:
- Explain what SSKINS is
- Identify residents that would be at risk of pressure ulcers
- Carry out a thorough skin inspection
- Recognise and grade the different grades of pressure ulcer
- Understand the importance of pressure relieving equipment and how to care for it
- Understand what we can do to keep our residents moving to prevent pressure ulcers developing or deteriorating
- Ensure moisture and continence is managed appropriately to avoid/reduce risk of pressure ulcers
- Recognise the importance of nutrition and hydration in pressure ulcer prevention
Please book online using the buttons below. Availability of places is dictated by the size of each venue.
Stress and Distress
A two-hour interactive learning opportunity for all care home staff to better understand how to help residents experiencing distress in dementia.
Supporting people affected by cancer
Macmillan’s Social care community
The Social care community on Macmillan’s Learning Hub offers free training and education for staff working in adult social care. Develop your knowledge and skills in supporting people affected by cancer by learning about topics including:
- cancer awareness,
- communication skills,
- person-centred care,
- cancer and other conditions
- palliative and end of life care.
There is a wide range of resources in the community for you to explore, including interactive e-learning, virtual classrooms, articles and videos.
Who is it for?
This community is for staff working in adult social care who want to improve their understanding of cancer and skills in supporting people affected by cancer.
What level is it?
The community contains training and education at both Essential and Enhanced level.
How do I navigate the Community?
The training and education is organised into 5 topic areas. Each topic contains a range of resources (including e-learning modules, articles and videos) to enhance your knowledge and skills. You can choose the topics and resources relevant to your role, interests and professional development and complete them in any order.
How do I access the Community?
If you are not already registered on Macmillan’s Learning Hub, please click here to sign up for free
Once logged in, you can access the Social care community here
Turas Learn
Turas Learn is a website for Health and Social Care staff that hosts a wide range of learning materials including eLearning modules and courses.
There are a wide range of educational resources which provide guidance and support to enhance your ongoing professional development.
You must be logged into your Turas Account to view and access eLearning modules Sign In
If you do not have a Turas account you can create one
Watch the short video to find out how to:
- Register for Turas Learn
- Sign in to find learning resources
- Find your Learning Record
Wound Care Study Day
The Wound Care Study Day has been developed in response to care home colleagues’ requests for wound care information and updates. We worked in partnership with colleagues from each HSCP to develop a comprehensive wound care study day.
The training is suitable for registered nurses and care staff who have an existing competency in wound management within their role in the care home. It also counts towards Continuous Professional Develop (CPD).
The study day offers a full day combining presentations with hands on interactive sessions on the topics listed:
- Composition of the skin and its functions
- Introduction to wound assessment and definition of a wound
- Wound assessments – Practical session
- Wound management
- Healing and antimicrobial stewardship
- Treatment of wounds and case studies
Learning outcomes:
- Describe composition of the skin and its functions
- Define and assess a wound
- Carry out wound assessment
- Describe stages of wound healing and principles of antimicrobial stewardship
The training does not deem someone competent but provides an update and refresher on wound care and current formulary products.
Please book your place by clicking the link below.
Would you like to share your free learning opportunities with Care Homes?
You can share your free learning opportunities and resources on this website. How to information is available in our About our website section.