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Patient Involvement

NHSGGC wants to work in partnership with patients, learning from patients’ lived experiences.

We want to ensure that all voices are heard. The Equalities & Human Rights Team’s patient involvement activities therefore specifically engage with people with protected characteristics and other groups that experience discrimination.

People’s experience of inequalities and discrimination impact upon their health, how they engage with health services and manage their health problems. By engaging with communities and responding to feedback we can improve everyone’s experience of NHSGGC services. This work will also inform our equality outcomes and actions for the future.
The Equality and Human Rights Team also work closely with the Patient Experience Public Involvement Team to help reach and engage with all our communities.

Involving Patients and Members of the Public

We consult with a variety of patient groups depending on the area of work. For example –

Disability Access – our Disability Access Patient Group, help us investigate and audit the factors affecting disabled people’s access to our buildings and services

Learning Disability – we work in partnership with a number of organisations supporting people with a learning disability and are members of The Life I Want Health Group, a partnership forum made up of 3rd sector services.

Black and Minority Ethnic Communities – our engagement is constantly being developed and delivered with a range of 3rd sector organisations working with BME communities. This has informed our work to ensure communities have access to health information and that our services are delivered in ways which ensure access for all communities.

The Deaf Community – feedback is sought from the deaf community on a range of issues, including the BSL National Plan, our Interpreting services and access to NHSGGC services. The BSL Health Champions – volunteers from the Deaf BSL community – work with us to achieve this and group meetings are open to any Deaf BSL user who lives in the NHSGGC area. The group also has a Facebook page which is used to share information and to get feedback from the BSL community.

The role of Peer Workers

Peer workers are people who draw on their own experiences to help and support others in similar circumstances. Their lived experience enables them to connect in a meaningful way with those they are supporting.

The role of Engagement and Educational Peer Workers was introduced in NHSGGC in 2022. Our current work focuses on Immunisation, Screening, Poverty and aims to –

  • Support the ongoing patient engagement within the vaccination programme; identify barriers to vaccine take-up and provide information on vaccines, poverty assistance and access to NHSGGC services.
  • Maximise the contact with communities who find it hard to engage with NHSGGC’s routine patient involvement activities and support them to do so.

The Peer Workers run discussion sessions with their groups on issues relating to healthcare and people’s experience of using NHS services. They also provide information on the advice and support available to NHSGGC patients, particularly around help with financial hardship.

Useful Resources