Interpreting Services – British Sign Language (BSL) and Spoken Language Interpreters
It is the responsibility of NHSGGC staff to provide an interpreter for patients attending any of our healthcare services.
Please note that the provision of interpreters is paid for directly by NHSGGC. There will be no cost to your service.
For more information on this service, go to HR Connect/Interpreting
Booking a British Sign Language Interpreter (BSL)
NHSGGC has an ethical and legal responsibility to provide BSL interpreters to support effective and safe communication with Deaf patients who are BSL users.
It is important to note that family members should not be used as interpreters.
Interpreting support must be provided as follows –
· All services must book BSL Interpreters for any scheduled outpatient appointments where we know the patient requires this support.
· BSL Interpreting support must be provided at least once per day for Deaf BSL inpatients to allow questions and answers regarding their care.
· Out with this time, Deaf BSL inpatients must have access to BSL Online interpreting support for any care needs that arise. Do not make assumptions about how well a Deaf BSL patient understands spoken or written communication. Information could be missed or misunderstood and the patient put at risk.
· Where a BSL interpreter is unavailable or the situation is unplanned or an emergency, staff must access BSL online interpreting support. The BSL Online service can be easily accessed by any available device, such as the ward iPad or any mobile phone, using the QR code.
If you are aware of any barriers that might restrict the use of BSL Interpreting in your patient area, we want to hear from you. Please contact us.
Out of Hours Procedures
NHSGGC Interpreting Service (8.00am until 6.00pm Monday to Friday, 8.00am until 4.00pm Saturday to Sunday)
Telephone: 0141 347 8811
Outwith these hours, please contact the patient’s preferred agency, if provided, or call 0141 347 8811 to be connected to an appropriate service.
You can also access the BSL Online Interpreting Service which is available 24/7.This service allows staff to communicate with Deaf BSL patients while waiting for a face to face interpreter to arrive.
Telephone Interpreting
Telephone interpreting is available 24/7 and can be accessed by calling or using the app.
For more information on this service, go to HR Connect/Interpreting
Direct Patient Access Telephone Interpreting
Patients can now access the telephone interpreting service to contact any NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde service.
For example, patients can use the telephone interpreting service to call from home and make an appointment with their GP, discuss medications with their Pharmacy or book a Maternity appointment.
An information leaflet is available in multiple languages. It explains how to use the service by calling or by using a mobile app and provides patient codes specific to NHSGGC services.
Booking a Face to Face Interpreter
Contact NHSGGC Interpreting Service (8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 4.00pm, Saturday to Sunday)
Telephone: 0141 347 8811
Out of Hours Procedures
Call 0141 347 8811 to be connected to the appropriate service.
Additional Resources
- NHSGGC Interpreting, Communication Support & Translation Policy
- How to Access Interpreting Support Wall Chart
- Language identification poster
- Language identification leaflet
- Accessing British Sign Language Support – Staff leaflet
Printed copies of the above are available from
Alternative Format / Language Text
As a statutory organisation, we are required to provide information in a format which all our service users can understand. This includes providing information in accessible formats such as audio, Braille, large print and community languages.
Every time a new piece of information is produced or an existing one reviewed, it should at the same time be produced in audio CD, words and pictures, Braille, large print, British Sign Language DVD and in our top five spoken languages (review annually).
We must also respond to any individual patient request for information in any accessible format or language of their choice.
A statement has been produced that should be placed in all leaflets. It states the following in English plus the ‘top six’ community languages (currently Polish, Mandarin, Romanian, Arabic, Urdu and Farsi).
‘If you require this information in an accessible format, such as large print or braille, or in a community language, please use the contact details on your patient information leaflet or letter.’
Ordering as an insert
This insert should be included with appointment letters and pre-attendance information posted to the patient, and can be given to patients on attendance at clinics or on admission. It is supported by posters displayed within hospitals and GP surgeries and is also offered on Solus Screens.
The leaflet is available from stock in packs of 100 and can be ordered via the PECOS system or by any method used to order goods from stock (e.g. paper indent). It is available in 2 formats to suit varying distribution methods – as a single sided A5 sheet or as a one-third A4 sheet (compliments slip format) suitable for DL type envelopes.
Order codes are as follows:
- 97106 – Size 1/3 A4 (compliments slip format)
- 97107 – Size A5
Printing the statement within a publication
If you would like to include the statement in your document (as opposed to using an insert), you can use image 1 (portrait) or image 2 (landscape) and adjust to size.
Other formats
This statement is also available in other formats, including words and pictures, audio and British Sign Language.

Producing Accessible Patient Information – other formats and languages
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) produces vast amounts of information. The task of making this information accessible to all is a significant challenge but is vitally important in ensuring every patient fully understands and can be involved in the care they are receiving.
The purpose of our ‘Clear to All’ Accessible Information Policy is to make sure there is a consistent, accurate and clear approach to providing accessible information to patients and members of the public.
Information can be produced in the format that best meets the patient’s needs. For example, this could be large print, easy read, audio or braille. It can also be translated into any spoken language and British Sign Language.
Requesting translations and other formats
Information in other languages or formats can be accessed via the Clear to All service.
Staff Resources
Step by Step Staff Guide to Producing Accessible Information
Informing Patients of Right to Alternative Format/Language inserts – see Alternative Formats/Languages section above.
Language Identification Card (PDF)
Patient Information
These resources provide the following statement:
‘If you require this information in an accessible format, such as large print or braille, or in a community language, please use the contact details on your patient information leaflet or letter.’
Multi-language version (PDF)
Audio version (MP3)
Words and pictures version – English (PDF)
Words and pictures version – Arabic (PDF)
Words and pictures version – Simplified Chinese (PDF)
Words and pictures version – Polish (PDF)