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NHS Scotland Pride Badge

Thank you for visiting our Pride Pledge page.

Over 9,200 of our staff have made the pledge and are wearing the badge with pride!

The NHS Scotland Pride Badge promotes inclusion for LGBTQ+ people and makes a statement that there’s no place for discrimination in NHS Scotland.

An NHS staff member who wears the badge is pledging to –

  • be aware of and responsive to issues faced by LGBTQ+ people accessing care
  • be a friendly, listening ally who staff and service users can safely approach
  • use inclusive language and respect identity

Please note that all badges have now been distributed and the campaign has now ended. Support information and contacts are available below. You can also contact us at for further information on NHSGGC’s work in this area and access to additional resources.

Local support

Some people may be having a particularly tough time and may disclose to you that they have experienced hate crime on the grounds of their LGBTQ+ identity.  It’s important that you know there are supports in place for people to report this type of crime and that it can be reported easily.  More information on reporting a hate crime is available from the Police Scotland website.

You may be approached by colleagues who discloses they are experiencing discrimination in the workplace from colleagues or service users and would like support to deal with it.  Our HR Department is on stand-by to support any employee who feels they are being victimised or bullied because of their identity.  More information is available on the HR Support and Advice Unit page.

NHSGGC has supported the development of Staff Forums representing the voice of our BME, Disabled and LGBTQ+ staff.  Please support the Forum membership by signposting anyone interested in joining.  More information is available on our Staff Forums page.