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Classes during pregnancy

Below you can find information about the different classes available across GG&C and information on when they run.

We have available the Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class.

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy. If you would like to book a space, complete this form.

Princess Royal Maternity Hospital

Enhanced Recovery after Obstetric Surgery in Scotland (EROSS) class

This class is available for those who are planning to have a caesarean section – Caesarean Section Preparation Class. This class is available at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital every second Thursday at 11.00am on Microsoft Teams.

Please discuss this further with your midwife.

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for those who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital every second Friday afternoon at 1:00pm

If you would like to join the class, please self-refer via the self-referral form

Information about how to manage PGP is available.

Care of your body during Pregnancy class

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

This class will run every second Monday at 1.00pm at the Physiotherapy Department.

To book this class, please self-refer via the following link: Care of body class self-referral

Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for women who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Inverclyde Royal Hospital every Thursday morning at 11.00 am on Microsoft Teams. If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available here.

Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

Please note, this class is been prepared for you and will be available at the beginning of 2023.

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

Queen Elizabeth University Maternity Hospital

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This face to face class is available for women who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Queen Elizabeth University Maternity Hospital once a week on alternate Monday afternoons at 1315pm and Thursday mornings at 11.15am. If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available here.

If you would like to speak with the team directly, please contact our obstetrics physiotherapy department.

Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

This class is available as a one off class to everyone from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

It takes place twice a month, on Fridays between 11-12 am at the Physiotherapy Department on the Ground Floor of the Maternity Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Campus.

Royal Alexandra Hospital

Enhanced Recovery after Obstetric Surgery in Scotland (EROSS) class

This class is available for women who are planning to have a caesarean section – Caesarean Section Preparation Class. This class is available at the Royal Alexandra Hospital every Friday afternoon at 2.00pm on Microsoft Teams.

Class invitations will be sent to individuals once their caesarean section date has been booked.

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for women who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Royal Alexandra Hospital on Monday afternoon at 1.00pm. If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available here.

If you would like to speak with the team directly, please contact our obstetrics physiotherapy department.

Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

This class will run on a Tuesday afternoon, from 1.30pm to 3.00pm in the Parent Education Room 2 on level 3 in the Maternity Unit.