Welcome to the Ward / Department posters are in place at all ward/department entrances to provide at-a-glance essential information for visitors to the area.
How to request additional or replacement posters?
Please send all requests for additional or replacement posters to: ggc.medical.illustrationgri@nhs.scot.
Be sure to include your local cost-code for all posters ordered.
How to arrange new or updated SCN photos?
To arrange to have new or updated SCN pictures taken, please contact Medical Illustration direct at:
Can changes be made to the posters?
No. Welcome to the Ward / Department posters represent current visiting arrangements, as per the Scottish Government Visiting guidance.
Who can I contact with further questions, feedback or comments?
Please contact the Person Centred Health and Care Team at ggc.person.centred@nhs.scot with any further questions, feedback or comments.