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Employment and Health

Being in Good Work is good for you…

The aim of the Employment and Health Team is to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of our working age population. The Team continues to provide a range of services and resources to support health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Good Work

“A healthier workforce really does make a difference when it comes to staff retention, attendance and productivity.”

Looking after your staff can result in improvements in their health and morale and also a reduction in accidents and sickness absence. We provide free, confidential support and advice to help employers create a safer, healthier and more motivated workforce. All our services are free, and can benefit both your organisation and your employees.

Workplace Training Programme

The Employment and Health Team offers an extensive programme of free training to all businesses in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. This is currently delivered remotely and is advertised via our monthly newsletter.

Some training sessions are aimed at improving the wellbeing of all staff, and other more specialised sessions are aimed at managers and those with a human resources role.

Further Information




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Get in touch

For more information or to find out how we can support your workplace please contact us on 

Telephone: 0141 201 4860


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