The role of the maternity, children and public health team is to reduce inequalities and improve the heath and wellbeing of children, young people and pregnant women by providing strategic, evidence based advice and guidance enabling the delivery of high quality services.
Core Team Members
- Catriona Milosevic, Consultant in Public Health Medicine
- Heather Jarvie, Programme Manager
- Debbie Schofield, Programme Manager
- Marc Conroy, Health Improvement Lead
- Support for data analysis is provided by Paul Burton
Team Vision
To improve the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, children and young people and their families. To reduce inequalities within these groups and between these groups and the rest of the population.
Team Workplan
The key objectives within the workplan are to:
1. Improve the health and wellbeing of pregnant women and their children across the antenatal and perinatal period and reduces inequalities within these groups and between these groups.
2. Provide leadership to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people and reduces inequalities within this population.
3. Lead the creation and dissemination of surveillance and intelligence outputs form the Child Health suveillance system, EMIS web and other sources.
4. Contribute to more effective network governance for the maternity and children’s agenda within NHSGGC and nationally.
5. Develop and influence the implementation of the child safety and unintentional injury strategy for NHSGGC.
6. Support professional practice by creating evidence to ensure that health visitor action targets better outcomes for children and families living in relative socio-economic deprivation.
7. Lead the development of the child and maternal health and intelligence function within NHSGGC and at a regional level.
8. Evaluate, report and act to reduce impact of relative poverty for children and families.
To contact the Maternal and Child Public Health Team please e-mail
- 20 Apr 2016 Starting life smoke-free in NHSGGC
A health needs assessment of infants exposed to tobacco smoke in pregnancy and the first year of life. - 31 Dec 2015 Maternity booking appointment survey 2015
Key findings report - 1 Apr 2015 “Ready to learn” (30 month) assessment first full year data report: July 2013 – July 2014
The report presents the key findings from the 1st year of Ready to Learn (27-30 month) assessments conducted in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. - 29 Jan 2013 Healthy Mums Healthy Children:Report on the health of pregnant women and children 2011/12
This report describes the ways in which health services were delivered for the population of children and pregnant women resident within the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Board area, and provides a basis for action in order to deliver safe, effective, high quality care in a way which seeks to reduce inequalities in health. For more information, please contact
Resources for staff
- 2 Oct 2019 Healthy families healthy children information pathway
The Healthy Families, Healthy Children Information Pathway has been designed to assist NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde staff who work with pregnant women, families and children. It identifies publications which are available to support effective communication with parents and carers to improve maternal and child health outcomes. - 17 May 2018 Reducing Sudden Unexpected Death in infants in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Reducing Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – an information pathway for staff
Local Child Poverty Action Reports
The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 places a duty on local authorities and regional health boards in Scotland to produce annual Local Child Poverty Action Reports (LCPARs) describing ongoing and planned action to tackle child poverty at local level. National guidance suggests that the LCPARs be developed collaboratively with local partners and that they bring about a ‘step change’ in action to tackle child poverty.
Local Child Poverty Action Reports 2020/21
- Glasgow City
- East Dunbartonshire
- West Dunbartonshire
- East Renfrewshire
- Renfrewshire
- Inverclyde
The first round of Local Child Poverty Action Reports were published in June 2019 and are available below.
Local Child Poverty Action Reports
Local Child Poverty Action Reports Website Links
- Glasgow City
- East Dunbartonshire
- West Dunbartonshire
- East Renfrewshire
- Renfrewshire
- Inverclyde
Useful Resources and Websites
- Child Poverty Action Group
- Tackling child poverty: first year progress report (2018 to 2019)
- Glasgow Centre for Population Health – Family and Child Poverty
- Glasgow Centre for Population Health – Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Profiles
- Improvement Service – Local Child Poverty Action Reports
- NHS Health Scotland – Child Poverty
- Scottish Public Health Observatory – Child Poverty
- Poverty and Inequality Commission