The Public Health Protection Unit (PHPU) is responsible for key aspects of communicable disease and infection control, emergency planning, waterborne incidents, chemical and microbiological incidents and environmental health work.
We provide specialist advice and support to health staff working in the community (e.g. GPs, practice nurses, health visitors and staff nurses); hospitals; local councils; and other local organisations, and discuss and agree how best to deliver health protection locally.
We investigate and manage a full range of health protection incidents (including outbreaks of diseases such as meningitis and food poisoning) and carry out surveillance, co-ordination, support and the monitoring of certain key national programmes.
We co-ordinate immunisation within the Board area.
Contact Details and Personnel
West House
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow, G12 0XH
Telephone: 0141 201 4917
- Consultants in Public Health Medicine/ Consultant in Public Health: Dr Iain Kennedy, Dr Daniel Carter, Dr Stan Murray and Ms Helen Benson
- Health Protection Nurse Specialists: Hilda Crookshanks, Jacqui Shookhye-Dickson, Kary O’Brien, Juliana Pereira, Amanda Robertson, Joan Wilson, Lynda Bennett, Sharli Proctor, Rona Cameron
- TB Nurse Specialists: Una Lees, Ellen McGeough, Lesley Ritchie, Catriona Paterson and Gayle Haran
- Service Lead: Neil Irwin
- Admin Team Lead: Leanne Pettingale
- Senior Support Officer’s: Melissa Steel, Maureen McLean, Emma Kinghorn, Liz O’Hora, Jade Curtis and Joanna Zelazny
- Information Support Officer / BCG Administrator: Sarah Thom
- Public Health Programme Manager (BBV): Julie Craik
- Public Health Programme Manager (Immunisation): Jane Beresford
- Lead Nurse: Tina McMichael
- Epidemiologist: Lukasz Henszel
For Mantoux/BCG appointment/enquiry only – 0141 201 4932 or