National Infection control manual
The NHSScotland National Infection Prevention and Control Manual was first published on 13 January 2012. It is an evidence based National Infection Prevention and Control (NIP&C) Manual for Scotland and is intended to be used by all those involved in care provision.
The manual contains information on Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs), Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs), Healthcare Infection incidents, outbreaks and data exceedance. It is mandatory for NHS Scotland and considered best practice in all other care settings. It should be adopted for all infection prevention and control practices and procedures
Infection prevention and control powerpoint training slides
National Guidance for Safe Management of Linen in NHS Scotland
This national guidance, is complemented by the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual Chapter 1 – Standard Infection Control Precautions – which covers safe management of linen at care area level. It is a useful resource for care homes when formulating policy and procedures governing safe management of linen within their facility.
Patient Information Leaflets
Influenza vaccination leaflets
- Health care workers leaflet (Current 2019)
- Patient information leaflet (Current 2019)
- Information for patients/carers (Current 2019)
MRSA (meticillin resistant staphylococcus aureus)
- Information for patients (Current 2019)
Clostridium difficile advice leaflets
(CPE) Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae advice leaflets
- Advice for individuals Updated Sep 2017
- Advice leaflet for contacts Updated Sep 2017
- Advice for the family of a person Updated Sep 2017
HPS compendium of Healthcare Associated Infection Guidance 2021
The HAI Compendium contains links to current national policy and guidance on HAI, antimicrobial prescribing and resistance, decontamination and other related topics. The compendium aims to provide NHSScotland staff with an overview of all up to date guidance from stakeholders/organisations.
The Compendium includes links to the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) which is the mandatory practice guide for all NHSScotland care settings. As well as the practice guide for Standard Infection Control Precautions, Transmission Based Precautions and HAI Incidents and Outbreaks it includes supporting materials such as literature reviews, tools and posters. The NIPCM can be accessed on a standalone website.