A total of 271 cases of TB were reported in Scotland in 2018.
127 of these were in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
This represents an annual incidence of 5.0 cases per 100,000 population for Scotland overall and 10.8 per 100,000 within NHS GGC.
There has been a 46% decrease in the annual number of cases reported in Scotland since 2010.
Approximately 60% of all the TB cases in Scotland were born outside of the UK.
The risk factors for developing TB among the indigenous population of Greater Glasgow and Clyde include deprivation, homelessness, and drug and alcohol misuse.
TB commonly infects the lungs and respiratory tract, but it can infect almost any part of the body. The symptoms of TB vary, depending on which part of the body is infected.
For more info click on the HPS link
NHSGGC TB Liaison Nurses
NHSGGC has 4 TB Liaison Nurses who are responsible for the case management of patients diagnosed with TB. A patient is assigned to a TB nurse by postcode, each nurse being responsible for an area within NHSGGC.
Primary care staff who require any advice regarding TB or guidance about screening potential contacts of a TB case should call the TB Liaison Nurse responsible for the individual’s postcode area. The TB nurse will advise if any action has to be taken. Enquiries about a patient’s TB medication should also be directed to the responsible nurse.
TB nurses will identify close contacts of a TB case and organise Mantoux testing or Chest X Ray. They are also responsible for administering BCG vaccine to both children and adults.
TB leaflets
- 31 Jan 2018 Anti TB Treatment (Current in 2019)
- 31 Jan 2018 TB General Information Information leaflet (Current in 2019)
- 31 Jan 2018 TB leaflet for TB contacts A leaflet with information for people who have been in contact with a person diagnosed with TB (Current in 2019)
- 31 Jan 2018 TB Leaflet The Facts New Patient Leaflet with facts for new patients (Current in 2019)