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Pathology & Mortuary Services

The NHSGGC Pathology Department provides a comprehensive diagnostic Histopathology, Cytopathology and Mortuary service for adults and children in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, including the laboratory part of the cervical screening programme for NHSGGC, Grampian, Tayside, Orkney, Shetland, Ayrshire and Arran. In addition, the department supports a number of specialist services, wider managed clinical networks, regional and supra regional services examples of which include Gynaecological, Ophthalmic, Osteoarticular services, West of Scotland Heart and Lung Centre, Neuropathology and Paediatric Pathology. Mortuary services are additionally provided for the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal (COPFS) and Police Scotland.

Please use the links below to access specific information for each of our laboratory areas:

About Us

The NHSGGC Pathology Department is located at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) on the 3rd floor of the Laboratory Medicine and Facilities Management Building.

Laboratory Opening Hours

The Pathology Department is open:

Monday to Friday:                                       9:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday and Public Holidays:                     8:00am – 12:00pm

The Pathology Department specimen reception is also open Monday to Friday from 5:00pm – 7:00pm for the receipt and handling of specimens delivered by “late vans” and couriers.

Pathology Contact Details

NHSGGC Pathology Department

Laboratory Medicine and Facilities Management Building (Level 3)

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

1345 Govan Road


G51 4TF



For General Enquiries:

Tel:  0141 354 9500 (89487) Option 6

For Results:

Tel: 0141 354 9476 (89487) Option 2

For Technical Enquiries/Sending Specimens:

Tel: 0141 354 9513 (89513)/0141 354 9514 (89514)

For Mortuary Enquiries:

Tel: 0141 354 9357 (89357)


The NHSGGC Pathology department has been accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), using the ISO 15189:2012 set of international laboratory standards. This assessment provides formal recognition of our ability to provide a high-quality laboratory and clinical service across all our diagnostic specialities (Histology, Neuropathology, Diagnostic Cytology, Andrology, HPV Screening, Electron Microscopy, Post-mortem and Mortuary Services).

Where possible the department participates in national external quality assurance schemes for all testing procedures/medical reporting specialties. Where established EQA schemes are not available inter laboratory comparison or alternative external quality assurance schemes have been set up.

The full list of accredited tests provided by the department can be seen in our schedule of accreditation.


The Pathology department utilises the Telepath Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Due to the limitations of this software, we are currently unable to fully meet the requirements of the UKAS publication GEN 6 – Reference to accreditation and multilateral recognition signatory status.

This publication sets out the requirements of reports/results released by the laboratory containing the appropriate use of UKAS logos and identifying any tests that are accredited and those that are not. The LIMS currently being utilised within Pathology does not allow us to present the UKAS logo within our reports. Whilst it is possible to enter a small amount of additional text without any difference in formatting at the end of each report, the referencing to the accreditation of tests could potentially interfere or cause the misinterpretation of pathology results (particularly with molecular and companion diagnostic tests such as PD-L1 that already have statements at the end of the reports explaining treatment/scoring decisions and the specific criteria required to be met). Where possible the department is including a small statement at the end of reports if a test used is out of our scope of accreditation.

The Pathology department have risk assessed this. Although we are not able to present this information on our reports the department’s user manual and website present full details of our accreditation, including a link to the UKAS page for our up to date schedule of accreditation and a list of currently out of scope techniques including details of progress made to add them to our scope or reasons for them currently being unaccredited. 

A number of investigation techniques carried out by the department are currently outside the scope of accreditation (see table below). This will usually be due to the technique not being performed frequently or being controlled/run by another department. However, the department will complete internal validation and IQC procedures before the implementation of any technique and participate in national external quality assurance (EQA) schemes or alternatives where possible:

NHSGGC Pathology Department Out of Scope Techniques
Test/InvestigationInternal Validation and IQCEQA Scheme ParticipationUKAS Extension to Scope Status
Joint Fluid/Crystal AnalysisYesSigned up to PilotNot in Scope
Mohs clinic (run by Dermatology)Yes Not in Scope
Appearance and Viscosity for Andrology testingYesNot for these criteriaNot UKAS accredited parameters
Digital PathologyYesSigned up to PilotExpected 2025
NUT-1 (ICC)YesNot AvailableExpected 2024
Sarc A4 (ICC)YesNot AvailableExpected 2024
PIN 4 (ICC)YesNot AvailableExpected 2024
FLI & ERG (ICC)YesNot AvailableExpected 2024
Roche Benchmark Southgate’s Mucicarmine (SS)YesYesExpected 2024
PRAME (ICC)YesNot AvailableExpected 2024
E17 (ICC)Not acquired yetExpected 2025
SF1 (ICC)Not acquired yetExpected 2025
Hologic Genius Digital Diagnostics System (Cytology)In ProgressExpected 2026
Specialist Referral Centres
In some cases we may need to refer work/carry out additional testing not available within the department (for example the double reporting of bone tumours and the referral of additional molecular genetic testing with some breast cancer cases).

All referral centres are subject to review on an ongoing basis and we make sure they are accredited to the relevant bodies and produce results of a similarly high standard to our own.

The one exception to this rule is that we are currently referring triple negative breast cancer cases to NHS Lothian (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh) for PDL-1 (clone 22C3) immunocytochemistry staining. Edinburgh are currently in the process of validating this test and adding it to their scope of accreditation.

Laboratory Contacts

Main Laboratory Contacts
Dr Sylvia Wright – Head of Service               0141 354 9512        89512
Dr Jana Crosby – Clinical Lead0141 354 955889558
Dr Jonathan Salmond – Technology Lead0141 354 956189561
Steven Harrower – Head of Technical Services     0141 354 9468     89468
Suzanne Ferra – Cellular Pathology Operations Manager0141 354  9469       89469
Nicola Small Compliance Manager0141 354 946189461
Gajan Sivarajah – Quality Manager0141 354 954089540
Robert Cast – Mortuary Services Manager         0141 451 5815        85815
Deborah Brown – Mortuary Scheduling & Performance Manager0141 451 579585795
Bio-repository Office                                                0141 354 9490         89490
Sarah Gilmour – Office Manager                  0141 354 9568         89568
Histology Specimen Reception                                0141 354 9513 or 0141 354 951489513 or 89514 
Cytology Specimen Reception                                 0141 354 9524         89524
EM Enquiries                                                           0141 354 9422         89422
SCRRS Enquiries                                                     0141 354 9524        89524
Consultant Pathologist Teams

The pathologist named first in each team, is the designated specialty representative.

AutopsyDr S. Fraser Dr K.Kinch Dr J. Paxton Dr K. Tilley Dr S.Wright Bone & Soft TissueDr E. Macduff Dr F. Roberts Dr A. Young
BreastDr E. Mallon Dr C. Dick Dr D. Kipgen Dr J. Loane Dr E. Macduff Dr A. Milne Dr S. Syed CardiovascularDr S. Wright Dr D. Kipgen
DermatopathologyDr L. Melly Dr S. Digby Dr C. Harper Dr G. Kohnen Dr V. Lynch Dr A. Milne Dr C Moyes Dr M. Paul Dr K. Tilley Dr A. YoungDiagnostic (Non-Gyn) CytologyDr C. Van der Horst Dr F. Duthie Dr C. Harper Dr D. Kipgen Dr A. Latimer Dr J. Slavin Dr S.Wright
Gastrointestinal (GI)Dr F. Duthie Dr S. Bell Dr C. Dick Dr S. Fraser Dr C. Harper Dr G. Kohnen Dr P. Konanahalli Dr S. Liptrot Dr E. MacDuff Dr N. Maka Dr K. Myint Dr K. Oien Dr H. Pitchamuthu Dr F. Roberts Dr J. Salmond Dr J. Slavin Dr G.Smith Dr K. TilleyGynaecologyDr S. Bell Dr G. Bryson Dr G. Kohnen Dr P. Konanahalli Dr S. Syed
Cervical CytologyDr A. Latimer Dr S. Liptrot Dr S. Syed Dr C. Van der HorstHaemato-LymphoidDr J. Goodlad Dr C. Harper Dr S. Liptrot Dr K. Myint Dr J. Paxton
Head & Neck/EndocrineDr L. Cooper Dr K. Myint Dr J. Slavin Dr S. Wright LiverDr G. Kohnen Dr K. Oien Dr P. Konanahalli
NeuropathologyDr A. Stan Dr Z. Hanzely Dr W. StewartOphthalmicDr F. Roberts Dr C. Thum
PaediatricDr C. Evans Dr S. Bitetti Dr P. French Dr D. Penman RenalDr D. Kipgen Dr J. Crosby
RespiratoryDr C. Dick Dr E. MacDuff Dr H. Pitchamuthu Dr F. Roberts Dr J. SlavinUrologyDr V. Lynch Dr G. Bryson Dr J. Crosby Dr S. Fraser Dr H. Pitchamuthu Dr J. Salmond

User Feedback, Complaints and Compliments

The department aims to provide a first-class service. If we have failed to meet your expectations, please do not hesitate to contact us, henceforth we can attempt to rectify the situation.

If you wish to discuss a report, please telephone the consultant whose name appears at the bottom of the report, in the first instance.  The consultant will be happy to review the case and seek a further opinion within or out with the department as required.

User Feedback Survey

We invite all our users to complete our user survey form. Please return via email to the quality manager. The information obtained from this survey will allow us to develop and improve the service we offer. We greatly appreciate the time and effort taken to complete this.

General Comments, Complaints and Feedback

For general complaints/compliments/comments on the service please contact:

Dr Sylvia Wright (Head of Service) 

Tel: 0141 354 9558

Mrs Nicola Small (Compliance Manager)

Tel: 0141 354 9461

Please click here for further information about the NHSGGC Complaints policy