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Organisational Development (OD) and your OD Team

OD and its associated activities are undertaken by every manager across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the OD Team is here to provide focused support and expertise to:

  • Design, implement, monitor and evaluate leadership, individual, team, cultural and improvement activities
  • Provide an aligned resource to locally support senior managers and their teams
  • Facilitate directorate and professional teams to develop and improve how they work to deliver excellent service and patient centred care
  • Provide expertise on OD approaches, tools, models and interventions.

For further information and to answer any questions, please contact your OD Advisor.

Boardwide Leadership Provision

NHSGGC are committed to:

  • Developing leaders who can meet the challenges we face as an organisation,
  • Effectively engage with staff, partners and patients and who have the skills to deliver excellent services.

Management Development provision is available from the Learning and Education Department.

Pilotlight –  helps individuals to apply their professional skills to those who need it, and to grow their own skills as part of a team.

Resilience and Wellbeing Toolkit

The Resilience and Wellbeing toolkit is designed as a practical resource for you to use in understanding what drives your own well-being at work.

Further development for managers is available via Resilient Leadership – a delivered module designed to help you understand your role in relation to the well-being, resilience, engagement and ultimately performance of your teams.

Please visit our Resilience pages on Staffnet or contact your OD Advisor.

Change and Improvement

Improvement modules and tools

Four videos designed to take you through the use and application of a series of improvement modules/tools, or help you to understand and plan for the reactions of people to change, can be used as individual approaches or in conjunction with each other to support a wider range of activities.  

  • Understanding Your Process Through Mapping
  • Identifying Process Wastes and Organising the Workplace with 5S
  • Delivering the Root Causes of Process Waste 
  • Making Improvements with the PDSA Model.

The videos are available on our Staffnet pages.

Leading in changing times

Two videos designed to support you to prepare for and lead others through change.  

  • Leading in Changing Times – Managing the Process
  • Leading in Changing Times – Managing the Transition

Each video focuses on one tool and can be viewed on our Staffnet pages.

Meet the OD Team

Acute and Corporate Services 


Civility Saves Lives

Civility Saves Lives (CSL)

The aim of the Civility Saves Lives (CSL) campaign is to create, enable and maintain positive workplace relationships and environments where the culture is improved by promoting the value of civil, caring and compassionate interactions, raising awareness of unprofessional and unproductive behaviours, and understanding the negative impact that rudeness (incivility) can have.

CSL Vision in NHSGGC

Awareness – That all staff are aware of the benefits and initiatives they can agree in their own departments that promote encouragement and support between colleagues, and that they are also aware of the impact of incivility on patient safety, staff wellbeing and performance.

Agency – That we have an established approach (completely independent of formal HR process) to address incivility when it happens, that is available to all staff and is compassionate and positive, recognising we are all human and can make mistakes with our behaviour.

Getting involved

Everyone is encouraged to learn about the power of civility and the impact of rudeness, and we can all play our part in spreading the word about Civility Saves Lives with colleagues and across teams.

Why not become a Civility Champion within your team/ service? Learn more about the Champions in the overview paper, their role in raising awareness, and the local groups which have been established. You can contact your local Organisational Development Advisor to discuss or find out a bit more. Visit our Sharepoint where you can see the list of groups, contacts, Leads, watch information videos and download copies of posters.

Useful Information and Links
Dr Chris Turner TED Talk 

CSL – General Awareness and Engagement sessions – May/June 2022

CSL Scotland Event 5 November 2021
NHS Scotland National Leadership Provision

To access programmes such as Leading for the Future (LFTF), Scottish Coaching and Leading for Improvement Programme (SCLIP), Scottish Improvement Leader Programme (ScIL) please visit TURAS Learn

Visit ProjectLift for access to the Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and learning resources.  

Other programmes and resources can be accessed using TURAS Learn. 

Career and Development Planning

This section is designed to offer you information to help to plan development activities for your current post and prepare for future roles as part of a career pathway:

  • Preparing for a development discussion 
  • Developing Your Career Plan

Preparing for Development Discussions

Having effective development and career planning conversations are an essential part of creating a workforce skilled to deliver our services, teams who are continually learning and improving and individuals who are focused and engaged.

It is important to find time to plan and prepare for your development meetings.

Developing A Career Plan

Having a career plan helps us to clarify our short and long term learning objectives, how we will achieve these and the time we need to do this. A career plan is essentially a route map of development activities designed to take us to where we would like to be.

Regular review of our plan lets us see the progress we are making, build and adapt our development towards different roles or opportunities and continue the journey to our ideal job.

Further Information

Please contact anyone from the HR and OD team to help with any questions.

People Management Guide