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Information for Referrers

Nuclear Medicine services in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde are organised into sectors, details of which sector supports each hospital/specialised service are as follows:

North East Sector: Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Stobhill Ambulatory Care Hospital, Lightburn Hospital, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, and Dental hospital.

North West Sector: Gartnavel General Hospital (including Beatson Oncology Centre), West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital and Vale of Leven Hospital.

South & Clyde Sector: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Institute of Neurological Sciences, New Victoria Hospital, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Inverclyde Royal Hospital and Dykebar Hospital.

Contact telephone numbers for each sector/specialist service can be accessed from the button below.

Referring Patients to Nuclear Medicine Services in Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations [IR(ME)R] 2017 make it necessary for all investigations using ionising radiation to be justified on an individual patient basis. To meet this requirement, the Nuclear Medicine service have produced referral criteria which, if met, would justify a nuclear medicine procedure under most circumstances.

To view referral criteria, visit the Nuclear Medicine & PET-CT referral criteria guidelines.

All NHS GGC referrers with access to TrakCare or NHS GGC GPOCS MUST use these systems to make a referral to Nuclear Medicine services (including speciality services).

Non-NHSGGC referrers must complete this form, instructions for completing this form can be found here.

Referring Patients to the PET-CT Imaging Service in Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Referral information and request forms for PET-CT imaging can be found on the West of Scotland PET Centre webpage

To view referral criteria, visit the Nuclear Medicine & PET-CT referral criteria guidelines.

In-patient Escort and SAS Transport information

Referring ward/doctor should read the following important Patient Escort Information Leaflet prior to confirming your patient’s appointment at the Nuclear Medicine or PET service.

Further booking information and timining for in-patient SAS transfer can be found here.