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QEUH lit red for World Aids Day

  • 1 min read
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital lit in red to mark World Aids Day on December 1
NHSGGC Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. Image by Guy Hinks.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde will mark World Aids Day today by lighting the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in red.

HIV is now a manageable long-term health condition thanks to significant progress that has been made in both treatment and care.

Public Health Programme Manager Julie Craik said: “Regular testing is an important measure in ending HIV transmission.

“It allows us to identify those who need care, improve their health outcomes and potentially prevent transmission to others.

“Treatment reduces the levels of virus found in the body to such low levels that it can no longer be passed onto others and eliminating HIV transmission is now thought to be a realistic possibility.”

This World AIDS Day and beyond, we would like to remind everyone about the importance of testing for HIV and other blood borne viruses and the benefits of treatment.

More information and guidance can be found here