Big-hearted darts fans have hit the bullseye with a £4,500 donation to the Vale of Leven Oncology Unit.
Regulars at Dumbarton’s Waverley Bar raised the cash in memory of landlord Drew Busby, who died last year.
The former Hearts footballer had been treated at the Vale’s Oncology Unit and the pub’s regulars felt that a fundraiser going towards the Vale was a more than fitting tribute.
Organiser Paul Currie said: “We wanted to have a wee night to celebrate the memory of the man, so we set about doing just that.
“We had no idea so many people would get involved, but it was truly overwhelming and humbling to see so many people engage with what we were trying to.
“It was a reflection of the impact the man made on so many lives, and the esteem with which so many of us held him.”
All in, the patrons of The Waverley raised a total of £4,526 thanks to the darts event along with other fundraising – and now Oncology Nurse Specialist Gerry Ohare is ready to help turn their generosity into a real boost for patients.
Gerry said: “The plan is to use this donation – along with other money raised – to create a room for complementary treatments.
“It could also be used simply as a quiet space for patients or families. Treatment can sometimes be quite tiring and the environment can be quite busy so having a space where people can collect themselves, with a bit of privacy, can be really important.
“And we’re already talking to patients to get their ideas about what kind of space they think would be most useful to them, and how they would like it to look.
“It’s a wonderful gesture by everyone at The Waverley and it will definitely be put to good use.”