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Hospital based money advice services

Patients accessing our hospitals can access impartial and confidential help and support from one of our dedicated money advice partnership services.

As a result of the cost of living crisis more people are now finding it harder to make ends meet. Furthermore, a change in personal circumstances such as a change in health status, bereavement, birth of a new child, relationship breakdown or loss of employment can lead to money worries for a person or a household.

Our staff can refer patients, or patients may self-refer to one of the partnership services below. Dedicated assistance on a range of issues can also be obtained from our hospital Support and Information Services.

List of services

Money Advice Services

Glasgow Royal Infirmary – GEMAP Money Advice Service

Inverclyde Royal Hospital – Inverclyde Advice First

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – GEMAP Money Advice Service

Royal Alexandria Hospital – Renfrewshire Advice Works

Royal Hospital for Children

Home Energy Crisis Response Service

NHSGGC has launched a Home Energy Crisis Response Service for patients in Acute and mental health care.

The dramatic increase in home energy costs means that many more people’s health is at risk due to fuel poverty. Patients may be struggling to heat their homes or have had their power disconnected, resulting in damp, cold housing and all the associated health impacts. It can also mean that patients cannot return safely to their homes after a hospital stay.

The new service targets patients who need help with home energy in order to return home safely from a hospital stay without the worry of the additional health consequences of living in a cold, damp home.

Delivered via hospital engagement and remote assistance, the service will tackle energy emergencies, advocate on behalf of patients with energy providers and help with access to external home energy emergency funds.

Who is Eligible?
A person is eligible if they –

  • are a patient or carer accessing or receiving care from an NHSGCC Hospital
  • have any immediate or emergency need relating to meeting home energy costs
  • are experiencing poverty/financial difficulties.

To access this service there is no requirement to be receiving any additional benefits.

How to Refer
Referrals to the Home Energy Crisis Response Service can be made by contacting NHSGGC’s Support & Information Service.

SIS staff will also discuss any wider needs with the patient or carer and ensure onward referral to the appropriate support services.

For Mental Health Acute, referrals can be made directly to the service: Email:
Telephone: 0141 445 7614

DWP Hospital Phone Line

Local DWP Advice Service for Hospital Patients in Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Working Age Patients (18-67) from Greater Glasgow and Clyde Hospitals who wish to contact the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) now have the option of quick and direct access to advice and support.

To discuss benefits, appointments or any other DWP related enquiries. Note we are unable to take benefit claims and cannot answer queries on Personal Independent Payment or any Scottish Government Benefits. Please contact staff from the DWP between the hours: 12.00 and 2.00pm Monday to Friday

On any of the following numbers:

Jacky Kean 07920812160

Laura Ferguson 07388852348

Gordon Wallace 07788708753

Other useful information

Help with hospital travel costs

Help with travel and subsistence costs for visiting a young person in hospital: Young Patients Family Fund –