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The Plan More, Stress Less Toolkit

When you or someone you care about becomes ill, life can become very stressful. That is why we think it is so important for people to talk to each other and make plans before this happens.

To help people plan more, and stress less, we have created a toolkit of resources that we hope will be useful. This includes information sessions and checklists to help you get organised, as well as a plan to work out how you’d get home from hospital. We also look at some of the legal process and support that is available for those who care for you.

Even if you and those you support are perfectly healthy just now, you can still use these tools to hep plan for the future!

We run online “Plan More, Stress Less” sessions which are for anyone interested in getting started with planning ahead. In this session we talk about what paperwork we can complete before a crisis arises, what actually happens when someone goes into hospital and how we can all work together to plan for a safe and timely discharge.

For our next dates and to register for a session, visit the Planning For Care Events Page. Or you can watch a recording of a session here:

Alongside this video we have created two resources which anyone can use to help them plan for any future hospital admission. This could be a planned admission, for example if someone is going to hospital for an operation or to have some tests. However these resources can also be useful if someone needs to go to hospital in an emergency.

If you have any questions or feedback about these resources please email

Preparing for Hospital Checklist

This checklist will help you think about all the different forms which you can complete just now that would be useful if you were ever in hospital. This includes things like a Future Care Plan and a Power of Attorney.

A Plan to Get You Home

This resources lets you and the people who support you, think about what might need to happen in order to get you home from hospital in a safe and timely manner. This includes thinking about who could collect you from hospital and where you might need to live if you need some extra support for a short time or on a more permanent basis.