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Volunteer Alison swaps Hospitality for Hospital welcome

  • 3 min read

B&B owner Alison Fraser knows just what it takes to make people feel welcome – and making somewhere feel like a home from home is exactly what she does as a volunteer at the Vale of Leven hospital.

Alison began volunteering at the hospital during the winter, when her B&B business in Drymen was less busy.

She said: “We usually cater for walkers on the West Highland Way but obviously, there aren’t as many at that time of year, and as I’d been in the Vale in recent years, I decided to give something back after the care I’d had.”

From Bed & Breakfast to a friendly bedside manner might seem a bit of a leap, but Alison had no fear of swapping hospitality for hospital.

She added: “In the 1970s I trained as a nurse at Gartnavel General, so I had some idea of what would be going on and how things would be set up.

“I had the chance to volunteer in the shop but that meant there would be no interaction with patients and that’s really where I wanted to be.

“I had to provide a reference, and a few other checks in preparation, something I haven’t had to do in years, so I felt assured that the volunteer service was being run properly.”

Alison now volunteers on a regular basis in Lomond Ward at the Vale.

She said: “Obviously as the Vale is my local hospital, I’m going to say it’s a great place – but it is!

“The Vale has an atmosphere all of its own, mainly because it is a local hospital – it’s always very welcoming and people are proud of it.

“When you arrive for a volunteering shift, everyone is always pleased to see you – staff and patients.

“And you do feel really appreciated when you’re leaving and people are thanking you.”

Volunteer Manager Harry Balch said: “Volunteers Week (3rd – 9th June) gives us the opportunity to say a huge thank you to our volunteers and celebrate their contribution. Volunteers such as Alison bring a whole range of experience and skills to the service and that’s what makes volunteering such an important service. Not only do the volunteers provide support to patients, it can be a hugely rewarding – and sometimes surprising – experience for those who volunteer.”

If you would like to find out more about volunteering, we would love to hear from you! Please visit Become a Volunteer – NHSGGC and you can have a look at current our opportunities.