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Healthy Start

Pregnancy Vitamins

Healthy eating is essential to keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy. Visit Ready Steady Baby |Eating well in pregnancy for more information about healthy eating during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, some vitamins are important to take. This page will tell you more about them and how to get these vitamins for free!

You will get Free Healthy Start vitamins throughout your pregnancy from your Midwife. These supplements contain folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin C to support you and your growing baby.

Healthy Start vitamins
Healthy Start vitamins

Healthy Start vitamins are suitable for vegetarians and free from wheat, fish, egg, and salt.
Contain no colours, flavours or preservatives.

Not suitable for vegans due to the source of vitamin D.

For those who are taking 5 milligram of Folic Acid, your GP will prescribe this. The Healthy Start Vitamins can be taken at the same time.

Ask your midwife for more information.

Folic Acid

Healthy Start contains your recommended 400 micrograms of Folic Acid.
Folic Acid will help your baby’s spine properly during pregnancy.
Stops Neural tube defects such as Spina Bifida, which affects how the spine is formed.
During pregnancy, you need more folic acid to support your baby’s development, which is hard to get from your diet alone.

Vitamin D

Healthy Start vitamins contains your recommended 10 micrograms of vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium to keep our bones and teeth healthy.
Low vitamin D levels can cause
• Seizures in babies after birth
• Vitamin D deficiency can cause problems and pain in the bones. This will be rickets in children.
Sources of vitamin D are limited. The best source of vitamin D is the sun and dietary sources are limited.

Vitamin C

Healthy Start vitamins contain 70 micrograms of vitamin C.
• Vitamin C helps your body to absorb iron.
• Boosts your immune system.
• To help your body make collagen and protect your cells.

More information

Your Badgernet app will contain lots of information about pregnancy including Healthy Start.

Ready Steady Baby (NHS Inform)

Your Midwife will be there to support you throughout your pregnancy and will be happy to answer any questions.