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NHSGGC launches a fresh approach to child and family health and wellbeing

  • 5 min read

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has announced the launch of HENRY, a programme to support families dealing with the challenges of eating healthily and being more active.

The HENRY programme, originally developed in Leeds to promote child healthy weight, will be delivered in communities across GGC in partnership with Early Years Scotland (EYS), and PEEK (Possibilities for Each and Every Kid Glasgow).

Families with children aged 0-12 years who would like to participate in the programme should ask their health visitor, school nurse, teacher or support worker for a referral or alternatively can use our online form to self- refer.

Through a combination of workshops and /or eight-week programmes, parents and carers are equipped with the tools and resources to create positive lifestyle changes in the context of busy family lives including:

· Promoting positive approaches to child healthy weight

· Increased knowledge and skills in cooking skills, food preparation and budgeting

· Awareness of benefits and opportunities for being physically active

· Encouraging healthy family routines

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Director of Public Health, Dr Emilia Crighton explained:

“Giving children the best start in life is a core public health priority and we recognise the importance of supporting families to make the best eating and lifestyle choices they can, recognising that tips and tools can make a big difference especially when families may be struggling with cooking; fussy eating and healthy eating on a budget.

“Over the past 12 months, we have been working with a range of early years partners to build HENRY, a consistent approach to help families develop the understanding and skills required for healthy eating and active living throughout childhood.

“Currently, 67% of adults and 23% of children entering primary school in GGC are overweight or obese, and we understand there are multiple factors that impact this. Evidence shows food prices have impacted fruit and vegetable consumption. This means healthier options often come with a higher price tag, creating affordability barriers. We need to work with families to help them navigate this to ensure they have the information and tools they need to make healthier choices.

“Whilst HENRY has a primary focus on healthy eating, parents and carers experiencing challenges to get their children to eat a wider variety of foods can also benefit from the support offered through the programme. HENRY can be helpful for these parents, especially if their child is about to start nursery or school.”

HENRY Healthy Families Right from the Start’ encourages behaviour change to help parents gain the confidence, knowledge and skills to help the whole family adopt a healthier, happier lifestyle and to give their children a great start in life.   (Pre-school age)

‘HENRY Healthy Families Growing Up’ applies the same behaviour change principles and a whole family approach as Healthy Families Right from the start but includes more age-relevant topics such as body image, the influence of peers and family negotiations. (Primary school age)

We want to work with our partners who work with children and families including health visitors, school nurses as well as education staff, third-sector organisations to reach families who would benefit from HENRY.

We want to work with our partners who work with children and families including health visitors, school nurses as well as education staff, third-sector organisations to reach families who would benefit from HENRY. Referrals or self- referrals can be made by visiting The Child and Young Persons Healthy Weight page.

Nora Kareem, a Pharmacy Dispenser from Dalmarnock and mum of three, looks forward to discovering what HENRY can offer. Nora learned about HENRY through PEEK and is joining the programme to seek support and advice for her youngest daughter.

She explained: “I have three children, Ahmad who is 22, Estera who is 18 and Lana who is almost two years old. I never had any challenges with my two eldest when it comes to eating but Lana is so fussy with food that we struggle.

“I see parents at different clubs and groups and their children are eating, no questions asked, whereas I try everything with Lana, and she refuses. I feel so guilty as I don’t want to just hand her junk food as it is an easy fix. I want to start introducing the healthy choices now so that we can continue that way.

“My hope is that HENRY will provide me with some advice and support to encourage Lana to try some new things. I feel like we have tried everything.”
