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Willis Wilkie – Optometrist

Willis is an Optometrist at Wilkie Optometrists and an NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Optometric Advisor. 

What does an optometrist do?  

The role of an optometrist is more than determining whether you need glasses. An optometrist specialises in overall healthcare for eyes and vision, including detection of diseases.  

How can they help you? 

You don’t have to be a glasses wearer to visit an optometrist for help. Anyone in Greater Glasgow and Clyde can visit an optometrist if they have an issue with their eyes. This could be issues with vision or sore, red, or itchy eyes. 

If the optometrist feels it is appropriate, they can also prescribe you medication for any infections involving your eyes.  

Optometrists can also detect eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.  

How can you speak to an optometrist? 

Contact any optometrist in your local area of high street. If you’re in pain and they can’t give you an appointment that day, they’ll help you find an optometrist who can.  

In many instances, people think that the best place to go with sore, red, or itchy eyes is their GP, however the GP will signpost you to an optometrist so your best to go to them directly. 

This appointment is covered by the NHS and you will not need to pay for a consultation.